Brandon Sprague

Software Engineer | Southern Oregon

Work Experience

2021 - Present
Founded a nonprofit specializing in software development for nonprofits with missions related to the environment and global inequality.
The Cloud Engineer
2021 - 2022
Built a video encoding platform (think Mux) and deployed the team's neural net-based video compression model.
  • Designed and built scalable video encoding pipeline on AWS
  • Integrated GPU-enabled machine learning models
  • Designed and built API and web frontends
Senior Software Engineer
2017 - 2021
Backend tech lead for several large commercial projects, leading teams distributed across multiple locations.
  • Led teams building systems for managing fleets of surgical robots, and GPU-enabled surgical video ML inference pipelines
  • Led a team of engineers (split between San Francisco, Boston, and Shanghai) building the backend for Lumi by Pampers system
  • Led a team of engineers (split between San Francisco and Boston) building the backend for Verily Patch
Software Engineer
2015 - 2017
Software Engineer
2012 - 2015
  • Developed bus fleet management web applications in Ruby on Rails
  • Maintained servers, managed deployments, drove buses sometimes

Skills and Whatnot


  • Majors: Computer Systems Engineering & Computer Science
  • Graduated Summa Cum Laude, GPA: 3.954